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3. But

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1.       But

like father like daughter, Carlotta was most earnest to try being an Empress, and her Christian Louboutin Sale mild husband renounced his bird in the hand by solemn act, and proceeded to find the two birds which he hoped were in the bush. Poor young gentleman! it was a burning bush, and his fingers are Louboutin Outlet already terribly blistered. And bis heart must be well-nigh broken when ho hears the doleful news from his wife. When all seemed darkest in those foolish halls of the Montezumas, in which the young Austrian pair had hoped to build their imperial nest, Carlotta went quietly on board ship and sailed away Christian Louboutin Outlet Christian Louboutin Men Sneakers for Europe. She would have no interlocutor, no diplomatist, no delays and bows and rebuffs, but state the case face to face to Louis Napoleon: say to him, "You brought us into this strait Wo are willing to push on, but you must help,"and see what his response would be. It was given out, of Christian Louboutin Mens Shoes course, that there was no signifieance in her visit—that she was merely going upon some home-sick errand of a visit to iliramar, or to her brother, the King of Belginm, or to buy a new bonnet in the Boulevards. But this was a story that nobody believed; and it is amusing to see how far behind all other progress in civilization is that of the invention of blinds to conceal public purposes. The whole world langhs now at diplomatic dodges and imperial phrases and royal non-committals. When Louis Napoleon solemnly says that France reserves to herself the liberty of acting as circumstances may require, universal good sense demands at once, "Why not say simply that you intend to do Christian Louboutin Discount as you please?" So every body knew that the French-Austrian empire in Mexico was in mortal peril when it was announced that the Empress Carlotta had gone to Europe. She was kindly received in Paris; but it was neither the Europe, nor the Paris, nor the Louis Napoleon that she left three or four years ago; and the America she came from was a very different America from that to which she sailed when the Pope blessed her and said good-by. Of courso Louis Napoleon could only say that he had made the most solemn engagements to withdraw his troops, and that Franco would not suffer a ruler whose prestige was impaired to risk more men and money upon an enterprise which never had the sympathy of the country. The last suggestion was doubtless Christian Louboutin Outlet Online rather insinuated than expressed. But it is easy to imagine how stolid and hopeless and forbidding the sallow, expressionless face of the baffled imperial gamester became before the proud, passionate entreaty of the wife of his puppet.

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